Alpine Aerotech granted Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) Approval

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Alpine Aerotech and Japan Civil Aviation Bureau

On October 11, 2018, Alpine Aerotech was granted approval to perform maintenance for aeronautical components under the regulatory control of the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). This new approval is granted by Transport Canada, in accordance with the current Technical Arrangement for Maintenance (TA-M), between Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) and the Japan civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB).

This approval further enhances Aerotech’s global capability and commitment to providing comprehensive maintenance support for leading helicopter makes and models worldwide.

Alpine Aerotech LP is a Bell Helicopter customer service facility (CSF) and Leonardo Maintenance Facility situated in Kelowna and Abbotsford B.C Canada. This approval will allow Alpine Aerotech LP to provide support for aircraft operating under the control of the JCAB.

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